In London, he boards
with Mme Loyer and her daughter Eugénie with whom he falls in love.
When he decides to propose to her, Eugénie turns him down, shes
not in love with him. Shes already engaged to a man, the one who
used to rent the bedroom before him, and whom he replaced, but not in
her heart...
Vincent doesnt understand, doesnt accept this, he wants to
seduce her and insists.
Eugénies mother asks him to leave the boarding house forever.
He goes back to Helvoirt much depressed then comes back with his sister
whos looking for a job in London. But hes not well. Goupil
sends him in Paris for two months, hoping that he will recover.
Unfortunately, things get worse and he goes back to London shaken with
a mystic crisis. He reads the Bible and feels guilty, he wants to die
to himself.
That coming back to London was a catastophe and the gallery moves him
for good to Paris.