After an endless winter,
Vincent dazzingly discovers the blooming orchards at spring.
He will devote more than two months to them: apricot-trees, almond-trees,
prune-trees, peach-trees
will give him the eagerness to work,
I feel like painting a tremendously joyful Provence orchard.
At last he finds the magnificent nature that he was looking for and feels
better: I had worked on a toile de 20 in the open in
an orchard, a ploughed lilas field, a reed fence, two pink peach-trees
against a glorious white and blue sky. Probably the best landscape Ive
ever done. (canvas inspired by Mauves death)
He is very happy with his orchards, which are part of a little
series with the pont de lAnglais (bridge of the English man)
Moreover, the blooming orchards are patterns which are likely to
be sold or swapped and then, addressing Theo : the season
of the blooming orchards is so ephemeral, and you know that these patterns
are those which enlighten everyone.
Its hot, but he works with fewer difficulties in the heat
than at spring
As the season was coming to an end, Vincent thought of getting ready for
a new country, that of the vineyards. And between the two, I would like
to make some seasides. The orchards represented pink and white, the wheat
yellow, the seasides blue.