Nuenen workshop

After the death of his father and the tensions around the inheritance, Vincent decides to live in the workshop that he rented to the Catholic sexton Schaffrath.
Schaffrat will later accuse him of getting a young peasant girl pregnant, Gordina de Groot, who had posed for him in les”Mangeurs de pommes de terre” (“The Potatoe Eaters”).
Though Vincent claims his innocence,(he knows the culprit and say it) Schaffrath prevents his flock to pose for him. The situation in Nuenen has become worse. He has to go.


Nuenen workshop

After the death of his father and the tensions around the inheritance, Vincent decides to live in the workshop that he rented to the Catholic sexton Schaffrath.
Schaffrat will later accuse him of getting a young peasant girl pregnant, Gordina de Groot, who had posed for him in les”Mangeurs de pommes de terre” (“The Potatoe Eaters”).
Though Vincent claims his innocence,(he knows the culprit and say it) Schaffrath prevents his flock to pose for him. The situation in Nuenen has become worse. He has to go.